Bigger Futures: WHJE & WPB - 100 Days into the Deal

Do you want more of a glimpse into life in the WHJE group? In our Bigger Futures podcast series, we talk to people within the group about their experiences starting up, selling up, or partnering up with WHJE and how that has helped shape their business for the better!

On 31st March 2020, as COVID-19 took off in the UK, WPB joined forces with WHJE. Throughout lockdown, the group has met and worked together online, jumping over all the hurdles that working from home had to offer.

This month in ‘100 Days’, we listen to Matt Smith, Managing Director of WPB and Chief Content Officer for WHJE, and Martin Wiggins, Chief Executive Officer of WHJE, talk about their views on the deal, joining WPB in the WHJE group, and what the future holds.

Take a listen to their thoughts on the future, and how WHJE can add more to your business…

Interested in hearing more about the story of WHJE and WPB? Keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming case study.